there'll be music, there'll be light, 2016, oil on canvas, fourteen by fourteen inches.

somewhere in space, 2016, oil on canvas, fourteen by fourteen inches.

start a new fashion, 2016, oil on canvas, fourteen by fourteen inches.

grinning yellows, spinning reds, 2016, oil on canvas, fourteen by fourteen inches, SOLD.

unbelievable sights, indescribable feeling, 2016, pastels on paper, 23.75 by 29.5 inches (with frame).

life is the bubbles, 2016, pastels on paper, 29.5 by 23.75 inches (with frame).

everybody look left, everybody look right, 2016, pastels on paper, 23.75 by 29.5 inches (with frame).

Elie Wiesel Portrait, 2016, oil on canvas, fourteen by fourteen inches.

all I want is freedom, 2016, oil on canvas, fourteen by fourteen inches.